Vacancy Notice

Cambridge School District have the following employment opportunities 

Certified Positions 2024-2025

  1. Elementary Special Education Teacher (K-5)

Certified Positions 2023-2024

  1. Substitute Teacher (All grade levels)

Non-certified Positions (2023-2024)

  1. Summer Painter (materials provided)

  2. School Bus Driver (School will assist in training)

  3. (2024-2025) - School Bus Route drivers and Transportation Director

Non-certified Positions (2024-2025)

  1. Elementary secretary/bookkeeper

  2. Elementary Library/STEM paraprofessional

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact: Mr. Robert Reagan (Email Mr. Robert Reagan) or Mrs. Heather Pine (Email Mrs. Heather Pine) 12

Coaching - Ridgewood Spartans (2024-2025)

  1. Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach

  2. Assistant HS Girls Basketball Coach

  3. Assistant HS Volleyball Coach (2)

  4. Assistant HS Golf Coach

  5. Assistant HS Football Coach

  6. Assistant HS Boys Basketball

Coaching - Cambridge Vikings (2024-2025)

  1. Junior High Girls Basketball Coach

  2. Junior High Volleyball Coach

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Mr. Seth Spivey, Athletic Director or  Mr. Robert Reagan, Principal, Cambridge Jr./Sr. High School. PH # (309)937-2051.

Please apply as soon as possible. Interviews may begin as soon as applications are received.